In photos: Martyrdom anniversary of Imam Ali (a.s.) observed in Kargil
KARGIL, MAY 04, 2021: Martyrdom anniversary of Commander of the faithful Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib, peace be upon him, commemorated in Kargil with proper following of Covid-19 Appropriate Behaviors (CAB) and Standard Operating Procedures issued by the District Kargil Administration.
The largest two processions in this regard held in Kargil town under the banner of Imam Khomeini Memorial Trust (IKMT) Kargil and Anjuman Jamiat Ulema Isna Ashriya Kargil (AJUIAK).

The procession of AJUIAK began from Islamia School Kargil at 1:30 pm and culminated at Inqelab Manzil (Qatilgah) Kargil. Similarly, the processions of IKMT start from Jamia Masjid Kargil at 2:30 pm and while passing through Khomeini Chowk and Islamia School Chowk returned back and culminated at Hussaini Park.
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During the processions the participants of both the organizations maintained proper social distancing, putted face mask and used hand sanitizer.

While addressing the gathering at Inqilab Manzil President AJUIAK Sheikh Nazir Mehdi Mohammadi urged the people to strictly follow the Covid SOPs. He also enlightened the people with a short discourse on the life, teachings and contributions of Imam Ali.

Here at Hussaini Park, Chairman Guardian Council IKMT Sheikh Mohammad Mohaqiq delivered a sermon. Sheikh Mohaqiq quoted Imam Ali who in state of acute pain says:
“I advise you to fear Allah. Do not go after this vicious world though it may try to entice you. Do not seek it though it may seek you and do not grieve over and pine for things which this world refuses you. Let the eternal Reward and Blessings of Allah be the prompting factors for all that you say and do. Be an enemy of tyrants and oppressors and be a friend and helper of those who are oppressed and tyrannized.

Sheikh Mohaqiq further said that Imam Ali was very kind and affectionate to orphans. In his last wishes Imam Ali instructed his two sons to not forget the orphans and poor. He further instructed that by God you must not forget your neighbors. And by God you must not refrain from spending your property, and sacrifice your lives in the path of Almighty Allah. Never leave the call for goodness and call to refrain from bad deeds.

Vice Chairman for religious Affairs IKMT Sheikh Bashir Shakir while quoting Imam Ali said that while surrendering his soul for the eternal abode, Imam Ali asked his son Imam Hassan to deliver his words to the coming generations to act in discipline. This quote of Imam Ali is closely relevant in the present situation where people have to act disciplined while following the instructions of experts to mitigate the threat of Covid virus.

In his meetings with Administration Sheikh Bashir had urged the administration to ease the sufferings of people in this tough time. The people on entry points in the district have to wait for long time in queues to get Covid tested. He said that the local administration is looking for their own ease instead of the ease of people.
He urged the people to act on Covid Appropriate Behaviors and SOPs. He appreciated the people over following of Covid protocols and giving an ideal example for such events amidst Covid pandemic.
He further urged the people to provide contributions and financial assistance to construct a full-fledged campus for the Jamiatul Zahra, theology Institute for girls.
On the 19th of fasting month of Ramadan of the year 40 A.H, Imam Ali was wounded in a state of prostration by Abd-al-Rahman ibn Muljam who dealt a heavy stroke with his poisonous sword, on Imam Ali’s (PBUH) head. Imam Ali (PBUH) was martyred on 21st Ramadan 40 A.H.