Ladakh, situated in the northernmost area of the western Indian Himalaya, between the Karakoram Range in the north and the greater Himalaya in the south consists of two districts, Leh and Kargil. It is the newest Union territory, created on October 31, 2019, after being separated from the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir following the repeal of Article 370 on August 05, 2019. The area is characterized by harsh terrain, limited resources, low accessibility, and extreme climatic conditions...
Extra-marital Affair is a choice, not a mistake, writes Dr Sajad Hussain
People being entangled in extra-marital affairs is a worldwide phenomenon that is becoming more widespread these days and is seen as one of the most serious threats to the stability of a healthy marriage.
Extra-marital affairs affect people of all ages, regions, cultures, and socioeconomic statuses. However, one may be mistaken if one believes that all extramarital affairs stem from the same intentions. Researches showed that extra-marital affairs won’t just ruin the social reputation bu...
The budding entrepreneurs of Kargil
In the Union Territory of Ladakh, several schemes have been channelized for entrepreneurs in various sectors in order to successfully create maximum benefits which can be availed by the unemployed youth in the region.
While overcoming various challenges to empower youth in various socio-political and economic spheres of life, welfare schemes have played an immense role in their empowerment.
To generate various employment avenues and strengthen the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (...
Kargil Forest Division Artificially grow Juniper for first time in Kargil
Forest Department Kargil has successfully grown Juniper Seedlings up-to planting height and size under “Project Juniper” in the Special Development Package (SDP), announced a document released by the department recently. The experiment was conducted under the leadership of Divisional Forest Officer, Kargil Forest Division Mohammad Sajid Sultan, IFS.
Kargil forest division over the past year has been carrying out various provenance trials and establishing nursery protocol to raise Junipers...
Contextualising Kargil after Article-370
After the new political alteration of Ladakh, lots have been discussed, spoken about, and wrote on this topic. After analysing the whole scenario, since it becomes a Union Territory, we can avow that Ladakh is approaching a new social system. Many old-fashioned social structures may vanish or collapse soon, from the living style to the new method of earning; we are transmuting from a sustainable and self-sufficient society to a dependable and vulnerable society, where everything is at stake ...
معرکہ کربلا ناگہانی حادثہ نہیں
آج سے تقریباً چودہ سو برس قبل عراق میں کربلاکے مقام پر پیغمبر رحمت کے نواسہ اصغر حضرت امام حسین ؑ نے لامثال اور عظیم الشان قربانیاں پیش کرکے اسلام اور انسانیت کی ڈوبتی ہوئی کشتی کو کنارے لگادیا۔سنہ61ھجری میں بشریت کی بقا خون کی آبیاری کا تقاضا کررہا تھا۔کیونکہ بشریت کا خون ایک ظالم وجابر ،سفاک و بدمعاش حکمران چوس رہا تھا۔اس بدمعاش نے دین نبوی میں حلال و حرام کے مابین آمیزش کی تھی بدعات وخرافات کو جنم دے کر دین ناب محمدی کی اصل ہیت کو تبدیل کردیا تھا۔اس طاغوتی نظام کو للکارنے کے لئےزمانہ کو ا...
Tambis waterfall may deplete soon! Voicing for protection
Nature has carved different creatures in the universe in a very different way to make it beautiful for the sake of living things and to enhance the beauty of the environment. A natural spot that has recently become popular among tourists and picnickers is the eye-catching waterfall at Tambis. To date, it remained hidden from the general public. Only locals and few people were aware of the hotspot and it became popular among outsiders recently.
The waterfall is around 10-15 meters in heigh...
Building Ladakh Disaster Resilience with Education
Disasters are a world problem. They don’t discriminate and nobody is untouched by it. However, early warning and early response for prevention at peacetime make a difference. We cannot stop disasters from taking place. What humans can do is, manage the risk. We can prepare for disasters, mitigate the risk and respond wisely to reduce tangible and intangible losses. Covid19 is an eye-opener for us. An overwhelming biological disaster that has paralyzed life throughout the world.
The Union ...
Online Learning and Corona in Ladakh
COVID-19 virus was fatal to humans, receding to businesses, antagonism to social life, and ruinous to school education among other sectors. The education sector is the most affected among all. The local administration in Ladakh believed that daily children assembly in schools can be a potential carrier for the virus to households all over the district besides being the most vulnerable age group to Covid 19 virus. Before all other sectors, schools were closed first. When, as per past routine,...
The Dark Side of Covid Lockdown
The Covid-19 emergency situation is becoming alarming day by day despite preventive measures taken by government/ local administration. Being a highly populated country after China, India is witnessing a drastic death rate since outbreak of Covid second wave. After all, Almighty Allah has power over the creatures in the universe. God willing may the pandemic end soon.
This piece is aimed to redirect the readers to the drawbacks of the lockdown in Union Territory of Ladakh. I have penned d...