چیف کورٹ کانیٹکو ملازمین کیلئے ہارڈ ایریا الائونس کے بقایا جات ادا کرنے کا حکم

ایجنسیز/٠٢ اپریل /چیف جسٹس گلگت بلتستان چیف کورٹ جسٹس ملک حق نواز کی سربراہی میں جسٹس علی بیگ پر مشتمل دو رکنی بینچ نے مقدمات کی سماعت کرتے ہوئے منیجنگ ڈائریکٹر نیٹکو گلگت بلتستان کو 21جون 2021 تک نیٹکو کے ملازمین کو 50فیصد ہارڑ الاؤنس کے بقاجات کی ادائیگی کو یقینی بنانے کا حکم دیدیا۔

مزید عدالت نے پیر کے روز مقدمات کی سماعت کرتے ہوئے دیوانی اور فوجداری پر مشتمل 22مقدمات پر فیصلہ سنا کر نمٹایا جبکہ 15مقدمات پر فریقین کے وکلا کے دلائل مکمل ہونے پر فیصلے محفوظ سمیت 3مقدمات کو قابل سماعت قرار دی...

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Srinagar – Kargil Road open for Traffic

KARGIL, APRIL 20, 2021: The Border Roads Organization (BRO) authorities have today successfully re-connected the Zojila Pass as committed by them to the Chairman and Chief Executive Councilor, LAHDC, Kargil Feroz Ahmed Khan during his visit to the Zojila Pass on Monday.

On the occasion, CEC Feroz Ahmed Khan has commended the tireless efforts been put by the teams of Project VIJAYAK and BEACON in snow clearance operations despite in hospitable weather conditions. 

“It is solely due to t...

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Media Lies: Aaj Tak TV Spread Misinformation about Kargil

Kargil, April 20, 2021: The Aaj Tak television news channel in a report on Monday spread major misinformation about Kargil district showing a recent video clip where people rush to get fresh vegetables.

The news channel reports that with the spread of Corona cases in the country people have started “panic baying” in various places and such a news report has come from Kargil district. Showing the visuals in Kargil the report said that due to fear of lockdown people have started buying vege...

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Secy Sports to redesign Ice Hockey Rink at Leh

Leh, April,19: A meeting was convened by Ravinder Kumar, Secretary, Youth Services & Sports today to discuss the redesigning of the Ice Hockey Rink at Leh in UT Ladakh. 

The consultant gave a detailed presentation on the update of what all work has been done till now and the latest design on the upcoming international standard Ice hockey rink in Leh. Secretary was informed that the design of the Ice Hockey rink was prepared in 2008. 

Secretary was informed that the roof span of the ice...

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اشیائے خوردونوش کی قلت پرلوگوں میں سخت ناراضگی

وی ایل //19اپریل //ماہ مبارک رمضان میں اشیائے خوردونوش کی قلت سے کرگل ضلع کے عوام میں زبردست بے چینی پائی جارہی ہے ۔ کرگل بازار میں ان دنوں تازہ سبزی ،دودھ ،دہی،پنیر ،بٹر وغیرہ بلکل ناپید ہے اورجہاں بھی تازہ سبزی،دودھ،دہی یا پنیر وغیرہ فروخت کرتے ہوئے دیکھے لوگوں کی بیڑ جمع ہوجاتی ہے ۔

  ماہ مبارک رمضان کے چلتے لوگوں کو کس قدر مشکلات کا سامنا ہے اس کا اندازہ اس بات سے لگایا جاسکتاہے کہ آج کرگل بازار میں لوگوں کی ایک بڑی تعداد ایک وین کے ارد گرد جمع ہوئے جس میں دودھ ،دہی اور پنیر فروخت...

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Ladakhi passengers protest at Jammu airport as flight cancelled for second day

JAMMU, APRIL 19, 2021: Almost 150 Ladakhi passengers staged protest at Civil Airport Raipur Satwari, Jammu as their postponed Air India flight for Leh was not scheduled for today.

The flight that was scheduled to fly for Leh on April 18 (Sunday) was postponed for next day. Earlier in the morning on Sunday, it was says that the Air India AI-450 has been delayed due to bad weather. Later at 11 am it was informed to the passengers that the flight has been rescheduled for Monday, said a passe...

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SESs Leh collect fine of Rs 16,000 from Covid violators

Leh, April 18: Intensifying its drive to check violation of Covid-19 protocols, the Special Enforcement Squads (SESs) constituted by the Administration, and the ARTO Leh collected a fine of Rs 16,000 from violators yesterday. 

SESs imposed fines/challans on defaulters found violating National Directives for Covid-19 Management protocols such as not wearing masks in public spaces, not maintaining social distancing, a large public gathering/ congregation and spitting in public, etc.

The ...

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Around 20 tons outdated chicken seized in Ladakh

KARGIL, APRIL 18, 2021: Around 20 tons of outdated frozen chicken has been seized in Ladakh in the month of March and April, said food safety officer, Mr Naeem Ahmad Lone.

The Additional District Magistrate (ADM) Leh Sonam Chos said to Voice of Ladakh correspondent that the seized chicken will be dumped or fed to dogs in a couple of days.

On 25 March 2021, 7392 kg of frozen chicken were seized from cold storage of Cooperative Department in Agling Leh. The chicken was owned by Ujas Sales, Hakik...

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Principal Secy Ladakh makes maiden visit to Nubra

Leh, April 17: Principal Secretary, UT Ladakh, Dr Pawan Kotwal, visited medical centres and interacted with the villagers during his maiden tour to the Nubra sub-division. 

Chairperson, Block Development Council, Turtuk; Mission Director, Health and head of the departments accompanied the Principal Secretary during the visit. 

Principal Secretary, Dr Pawan Kotwal, inspected the medical sub-centre at Khardong village and held a public gathering.

Nambardar and the villagers of Khardu...

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UT admin to enforce strict preventive protocols on labour entry

Leh, April, 17: A meeting was chaired by Divisional Commissioner, Ladakh, Saugat Biswas in connection with the labour management amidst the surge in Covid -19 positive cases in UT Ladakh. 

Divisional Commissioner, Saugat Biswas pointed out that the number of cases is increasing and stressed the importance of containing the spread, ramping up tests, keeping vigil on those who are in isolation and quarantine. He said that actions must be taken at every zone to stop the virus from spreading....

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