Secy Horticulture inspects infrastructure for Centre of Excellence at Nimoo

Leh, July 1: Administrative Secretary, Agriculture/Horticulture Department, Ravinder Kumar visited and reviewed the progress and status of infrastructure being developed for Center of Excellence on Seabuckthorn at Nimoo, spread across 125 kanals, with machinery to be installed for Seabuckthorn pulp processing. He was accompanied by officials of PWD, DIHAR and Horticulture Department. 

Secretary asked the executing agency to complete the infrastructure within the stipulated time and directed the officials of Horticulture and DIHAR to prepare an action plan for engagement of human resources and procurement/installation of machinery needed for the Centre of Excellence. Also, asked DIHAR to transfer the saplings/plants of Seabuckthorn for propagation and dissemination of high-quality saplings amongst progressive farmers.

He also inspected the apricot nursery farm at Saspol where Chief Horticulture officer Leh apprised Secretary about the proposed gene bank to be established for ex-situ conservation of apricot at the farm. Moreover, it was informed that the horticulture department is preparing for mass plantation of fruit trees under Azadi Ka Amrut Mahatsov Programme.

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Further, Ravinder visited and inspected the fruit processing plant of the horticulture department at Khaltse and interacted with progressive farmers at Nurla and Nimoo villages. He inquired about the benefits of various schemes and income generation out of Horticulture farming. He directed Chief Horticulture Officer for making entrepreneurs under all schemes.


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