AKSAD pays tribute to Lady Fatima Zahra on birth anniversary
DELHI, JANUARY 24, 2022: The All Kargil, Ladakh Students’ Association, Delhi (AKSAD) conducted a two-day webinar on the auspicious birth anniversary of Lady Fatima Zehra (s.a) with the theme Fatima is Fatima from January 22-23, 2022.
The webinar on January 22, 2022, held separately for ladies where Hajiya Banoo Nasiri, Hajiya Sakina Azizi and Marziya Khatoon were presided as key speakers. Naseema Banoo, who is the General Secretary of AKSAD concluded the session with the vote of thanks to the speakers and participants.
The second day session was held for males where Aga Syed Kazim Sabiri, Sheikh Mohsin Ali Shakiri, Sheikh Toha Shairy and Sheikh Jawad Habibi attended as speakers.
President AKSAD Mohammad Ismail concluded the webinar with vote of thanks to all the speakers and participants who joined this two-day webinar. He also thanked Sheikh Toha Shairy for his contributions in AKSAD and to the students in Delhi. Sheikh Toha has recently shifted to hometown after several years of services in Delhi.
The speakers appraised the audience about the personality, characters, and moral lessons from the life and teachings of Hazrat Fatima Zehra (S.A.). They further maintained that the life and teachings of Hazrat Zahra are relevant and important in our lives especially at the time when our
moral, principle, behaviour and ethos are degrading day by day.
They said that by virtue of Hazrat Fatima’s personality we can restructure our lives and society in a way that it will create a society which will be based on the values like truth, justice and morals. They also said that since Hazrat Fatima is complete in herself she is a role model for not only women but also for whole mankind.
Pertinent to mention that AKSAD has been conducting the event consistently since last many years on the theme “Fatima is Fatima”.