Ladakh chosen for India’s Mars, Moon research site to boost space program

By: Abhijeet Kumar

In a significant move for India’s Mars mission, scientists from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeosciences (BSIP) have identified Ladakh as an ideal site for the inaugural Mars and Moon analogue research station.

An analogue research station is a facility where activities intended for Moon and Mars missions can be simulated, the report stated. For instance, astronaut habitats can be built and tested there due to the geological...

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International Moon Day: I want to catch the Moon

By: Sidharth PK

The airy Greek myth, with the amplified Roman verse, the Selene is a looming figure o’er the crust of centuries. The moon is indefinable light and mystery, with the macabre tales that unwraps it. In literature, romantic poetry with reference to Lord Byron, as he brings our attention through his famous poems, “So we’ll go no more a roving, by the light of the moon”. The moon is portrayed in the sense of a romantic overture and literature connects objects like moon, sun, wat...

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