Maulana Zaki Baqri has a short message for Moharram 2022

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

Peace be upon Hussain (a.s.), upon Ali Ibn Hussain, upon the sons of Hussain, and upon the companions of Hussain. 

Muharram is charismatic, attractive and most significant month. Especially the first 10 days in which the Muslims, particularly believers involve themselves in mourning the commander of the martyrs (Peace be upon him).

Here, if we don’t focus on the message of Azadari and objectives of Imam Hussain (a.s.) the...

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Ladakh Struggling for Existence in a Global Climate Change Scenario

Global climate change has hit hard every place on earth and humans have been failing all their efforts to either restrict it or lessen its effects. Though humans have always been active in finding alternatives to the possibilities that the earth offers. These alternatives have often their own repercussions, inviting yet other challenges to be dealt with. This is largely due to the trampling of boundaries set by nature in the guise of the contemporary yet temporary ways of life. As Vidal De L...

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غزل – خاموش بستی

تنِ  تنہا   چہکتا   ہے کسی  خاموش بستی  میں

پرندہ ہے  جو  رہتا ہےکسی  خاموش بستی  میں

کنارہ ہے وہ سورو کا جہاں اُس کا ٹھکانہ ہے

وہ اک دریا جو بہتا ہے کسی خاموش بستی میں

شبِ تاریک میں اٹھکر یہی اب کام ہے اُسکا

کلامِ  میر  پڑھتا  ہے کسی  خاموش  بستی  میں

وہ دوری  اہلِ خانہ سے جدائی اپنے  یاروں کی

الم کیا کیا وہ سہتا ہےکسی خاموش بستی میں

نگاہیں نم دلِ پُرغم کبھی جب ساتھ ملتے ہیں

سخن کا ساز بڑھتا ہے کسی خاموش بستی میں

نظر کس ک...

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Qazi Syed Mohd Askary’s visit: Purpose not solved

The renowned scholar and learned cleric Moulana Qazi Syed Mohammad Askary visited the Kargil district on the auspicious occasion of the demise anniversary of Ayatollah Khomeini (r.a.). Moulana Qazi Askary is not a stranger to the people of Kargil, especially to the elders who had (in past) a habit to read.

Moulana Askary’s publications especially “Towheed” and “Payam-e-Saqlain” were widely read in the Kargil district at the onset of the Islamic Revolution. His audio cassettes were also w...

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انسانیت کے علمبردار حضرت امام خمینیؒ

بیسویں صدی کے ایک عظیم اور تاریخ سازشخصیت ۔ظلم وجہالت،بربریت اوربدترین تہذیب وتمدن سے نجات دلانے والے ،دین اسلام پر ایمان کامل رکھنے والے،پختہ عزم ،قوی حوصلہ اور بلند افکارات کے حامل ،انصاف اور انسانیت کے علمبردار،عظیم فقیہ اور ممتاز سیاست مدار حضرت آیت اللہ العظمیٰ سید روح اللہ خمینی ؒ تین دہائیاں گزر جانے کے بعد بھی عظیم الشان کارناموں ،بلند افکارات،ممتاز نظریات اور بے باک تجربات کی صورت میں زندہ وپائندہ ہےاور تادیرسرمشق عمل بن کر نسلوں کو فکری تربیت اور نظریاتی رہنمائی کرتے رہیں گے۔


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JJM: Providing water for all in Kargil

To provide functional tap connections to each household, the Union Territory of Ladakh in general and the Public Health Engineering (PHE) Department in particular, has been at the forefront to provide drinking water to people through Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM), a Government of India scheme.

The hamlet of Chay Chay Thang in Kanoor village of district Kargil had no supply of pure drinking water. Nor, it had any water pipeline connection at their houses.

As a result of Jal Jeevan Mission (J...

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Road Safety awareness in Ladakh should take precedence over traffic violations

The man behind wheel plays an important role in most road crashes. In most cases, crashes occur either due to carelessness or due to a lack of road safety awareness of the road user. Hence, road safety education is as essential as any other basic skill of survival.

Despite global stagnancy and uncertainty owing to the Covid-19 pandemic and consequent lockdown, road accidents have managed to claim 29,415 lives just between March and June, with an additional 51970 casualties. Clearly, road ...

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Imperatives for Carbon Neutral Ladakh

Ladakh UT Administration has already embarked on efforts to make Ladakh carbon neutral after PM Modi’s announcement of the same in his Independence Day speech in 2020. Accordingly, a Workshop on State Energy Efficiency Action Plan for stakeholders was also held in both Kargil and Leh aimed to assess the current energy consumption pattern of the UT. This step could be seen as a good fortune for the ecologically fragile Ladakh. But as discussed by PM Modi himself this target of making Ladakh c...

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Revisiting NH-301 Realignment: The Paradoxes of Environment and Development

Among many things, the government of India is very keen on developing road infrastructure in UT Ladakh, this has become even more important after the escalation in tension with the country’s largest neighbour. Sharmistha Mukherjee writes in The Economic Times, “the government’s emphasis on infrastructure development in border areas after the escalation in tensions with its largest neighbour, sale of construction equipment to the Border Road Organization (BRO) has increased 50% in the first h...

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Kargil Administration! Attention Please

For the last many years, inflation is a major concern for people across the country for which Ladakh is not an exception. The increasing rates of fuel, food and civil supplies, traffic, and other fines, are already widening the hole in public pockets. This is added by some other peripheral expenses that identified recently in the Kargil market.

As a student, we need printouts of notes and research articles on daily basis. The Internet Café and Xerox shops charge Rs 10 per page, five if pr...

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