Trump Pardons Blackwater Contractors That Killed Iraqi Civilians

Washington/ Dec. 23/ United States President Donald Trump, who is spending his last days in Office has issued a number of pardons including four contractors from the Blackwater Group that are accused of opening fire on innocent Iraqi unarmed people. The Blackwater Group operated in Iraq during the war (2003-2010).

According to CNN, the four Blackwater guards — Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty, and Dustin Heard — were convicted by a federal jury in 2014 after a lengthy trial tha...

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Iran to Publish Qassem Soleimani’s Writings

Agencies/ Dec. 24/ The authorities in Iran announced on Tuesday, that “the late commander of the Quds Force, General Qassem Soleimani, has dozens of manuscripts that will be published,” adding that “He was very regular and his journals were collected and will be published.”

The special assistant to the head of the Islamic Consultative Assembly in international affairs, Hussein Amir Abdollahian, referred to “the parliament’s role in taking the difficult revenge for the martyrdom of Qassem ...

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13 new COVID Cases Report in UT Ladakh

Leh/ Dec. 24: As per the media bulletin released by the Directorate of Health Services UT Ladakh last night, a total of 13 persons tested positive for COVID-19.

Out of the 19 cases, 11 positive sample reports were received by CMO Leh and two positive sample reports were received by CMO Kargil.

The bulletin further details that UT Ladakh has discharged 46 patients yesterday. Out of which 34 patients were discharged by CMO Leh and 12 patients were discharged by CMO Kargil.

With this, ...

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Changthang’s Tsokar Added to Ramsar Sites

Leh/ Dec. 24/ News Desk/ A lake in the Changthang village of Ladakh, what the locals call Tsokor has been added to the Ramsar’s list of sites of international importance, maintained a tweet by the official twitter handle of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India on Wednesday.

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رقومات کی غیر منصفانہ تقسیم کو لیکر ٹھیکدار یونین کرگل کا احتجاج

سید ہاشم رضوی

 کرگل ۱۲دسمبر// رقومات کی تقسیم میںکرگل ضلع کے ٹھیکداروں کے ساتھ ناانصافی کا الزما عائد کرتے ہوئے آج ٹھیکدار یونین کرگل نے اپنے دفتر کے باہر احتجاج کیا ۔اس موقع پر دسیوں ٹھیکدار موجود تھے جو فائنانس ڈیپارٹمنٹ یوٹی لداخ کے خلاف زبردست نعرے لگارہے تھے۔اس دوران یونین کے سینئر ممبر حاجی حسن گونگمہ کرگل نے ضلع کرگل کے ٹھیکداروں کے ساتھ کی جارہی ناانصافی پر سخت افسوس کااظہارکرتے ہوئے حکومت سے بروقت مداخلت کی اپیل کی۔موصوف نے یوٹی انتظامیہ کے فائنانس محکمہ کو آڑے ہاتھوں لیتے ہوئے م...

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Birds’ Species in Kargil Ladakh

Different species of birds – also animals – are extinct in all over the world. In Ladakh also various birds’ species that were contributing to the beauty of the region disappeared from human eyes. The Year 2020, with its challenges due to Covid 19 pandemic, had some blessings with it. A blessing of the year 2020 was the increase some bird species. Locals in Kargil district of Ladakh acknowledge that various birds that were seen many years ago have reappeared in this spring.

One of such bi...

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Khelo India Winter Games to Start from First Week of January

Leh/ Dec 22: In order to organize the Khelo India Ladakh Winter Games and make it a great success, the Administrative Secretary Youth Services and Sports, UT Ladakh Ravinder Kumar chaired a meeting of District Youth Services and Sports Officers Leh/Kargil, Heads of various Sports Associations of UT Ladakh and other Stakeholders.

Secy Ravinder noted that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that the Khelo India Games is not just an event, it is a movement. And on the visit of the Union Sp...

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Ladakh Religious Organisations Oppose Establishment of Waqf Board

Kargil/ Dec. 19/ Major religious organisations in Kargil and Leh district opposed establishment of Waqf Boards in Ladakh. The statement of the organisations came as a reaction to Minority Affairs Minister Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi who announced establishment of Waqf Boards in the Union Territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh.

The major religious organisations in Ladakh, namely Islamia School Kargil (ISK), Anjuman Sahib Zaman (ASZ) Sankoo, Imam Khomeini Memorial Trust (IKMT) from Kargil and ...

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گلگت بلتستان کی بیوروکریسی میں بڑے پیمانے پر تبادلے اور تقرریاں

گلگت(علی مردان)گلگت بلتستان کی بیوروکریسی میں بڑے پیمانے پر تبادلے اور تقرریاں کردی گئیں،17اعلیٰ افسروں کو ادھر ادھر کردیا گیا ہے کمشنرگلگت ڈویژن،کمشنر بلتستان ڈویژن، آئی جی جیل خانہ جات اور مختلف محکموں کے سیکرٹریزبھی تبادلوں کی زد میں آئے ہیں۔

چیف سیکرٹری گلگت بلتستان کیپٹن(ر)خرم آغا کے احکامات پر جاری نوٹیفیکیشن کے مطابق گریڈ 20کے خادم حسین کو سیکرٹری ایس اینڈ جی اے ڈی اور کیبنٹ ڈیپارٹمنٹ تعینات کردیا ہے ،گریڈ 20کے ظفر وقار تاج کو سیکرٹری زراعت،لائیوسٹاک،فشریز،گریڈ 20کے سبطین احمد کو ...

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India Suspends All Flights to And from United Kingdom

New Delhi/ Dec. 21: Shri Hardeep Singh Puri, MoS, I/C, Civil Aviation has informed that all flights originating from U.K into India will be suspended temporarily from 22nd December to 31st December 2020. He stated that Government of India has decided to take all necessary precautions as a result of the situation arising out of the spread of a new strain of coronavirus in some countries.

Considering the emerging Covid-19 situation in UK, Government of India has decided that all flights to ...

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