کرونا کی نئی لہر خوفناک، عوام احتیاط کریں، وزیر صحت

ایجنسیز/وزیرصحت حاجی گلبرخان نے کہاہے کہ ملک بھرمیں کرونا کی بڑھتی ہوئی نئی لہرتشویشناک ہے۔ بڑھتی ہوئی کروناکی نئی لہرکے پیش نظر گلگت بلتستان میں ایس اوپیز پرسختی سے عمل درآمد ناگزیز ہوگیاہے معمولی سی غفلت بڑے حادثے کاموجب بن سکتی ہے۔

وزیراعلیٰ خالدخورشید نے تمام سرکاری ملازمین کوہدایات دی ہیں کہ وہ ایس اوپیزپرعمل درآمد کویقینی بنائیں ماسک پہن کرہی کروناکے پھیلائو کو روکا جاسکتاہے۔

کے پی این سے بات چیت کرتے ہوئے انہوں نے کہاکہ کروناکی نئی لہرخوفناک اورتشویشناک ہے تاہم گلگت بلتستان اب...

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Listing of historical, heritage sites: training program held for BDOs

KARGIL, JANUARY 15, 2022: Department of Tourism and Culture UT Ladakh in collaboration with Rural Development Department (RDD) Ladakh and NIC Ladakh today conducted one-day training program for Block Development Officers (BDOs), Panchayat Secretaries for the listing of heritage sites on ‘The Ladakh Heritage App’.

Director, RDD UT Ladakh, Tahir Hussain Zubdavi, Assistant Commissioner Development (ACD), Kargil, Ghulam Muhammad besides concerned BDOs, Panchayat Secretaries and concerned offi...

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Meteorological Dept provides Doppler Weather Radar facility at Leh

KARGIL, JANUARY 14, 2022: Indian Meteorological Department, Ministry of Earth Science provided a Doppler Weather Radar facility at Leh, informed the LG Ladakh R K Mathur in a tweet while expressing gratitude to the Department.

“My sincere gratitude to MoS Ministry of Earth Science DrJitendra Singh and Indian Meteorological Department for providing Doppler Weather Radar facility at Leh. This radar will prove invaluable in providing latest weather forecasts and warnings against severe weather p...

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Ladakh stakeholders write Union Home Minister to withdraw SO-3

KARGIL, JANUARY 14, 2022: In a letter to the Union Home Minister Amit Shah, socio-religious organizations of Ladakh have demanded the withdrawal of SO-3 for the larger interest of the people of Ladakh.

A letter signed by major stakeholders of Ladakh viz Jamiat Ulama Isna Asharia Kargil, Imam Khomeini Memorial Trust Kargil, Anjuman Sahib Zaman Sankoo, Anjuman Imamia Leh, Anjuman Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat Kargil, Anjuman Moinul Islam Leh, Anjuman Sofia Noorbakshia Kargil, and Anjuman Sofia Noo...

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Patients suffer as Kargili taxis are not allowed at Leh Airport

LEH, JANUARY 14, 2022: “Unfortunate that taxis of Kargil aren’t allowed to pick passengers/patients from Leh Airport, nor they have a parking space there. Such restrictions are illegal”, tweeted the LAHDC Kargil quoting a complaint by a patient who traveled recently.

The LAHDC Kargil in a tweet, quoting the CEC Feroz Ahmad Khan maintained that the matter has been taken up with the LG Ladakh Radha Krishna Mathur, Advisor Ladakh Umang Narula, and Divisional Commissioner Swagat Biswas who ha...

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UT Ladakh listing Heritage Sites, preparing Village History

Leh, January 13: Secretary, Tourism & Culture, Kacho Mehboob Ali Khan chaired a meeting regarding listing of historical/heritage sites and preparation & documentation of history of villages of the UT of Ladakh.

The Secretary emphasising on the importance of listing of heritage sites and preparation of village history opined that the joint efforts of the departments of Tourism, Culture, Rural Development (RD), Panchayats with technical assistance of the National Informatics Centre (NIC), (...

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AKSAD conducts swearing-in ceremony for newly elected Executive Body

DELHI, JANUARY 13, 2022: The newly elected Executive Body of the All Kargil (Ladakh) Students’ Association Delhi (AKSAD) sworn in as new office bearers of the organization in an event held here at Delhi today.

Considering the soaring Covid cases in the city, only AKSAD Advisory Board, a few senior members, and the newly elected Executive Body attended the event.

Pertinent to mention that, earlier, the office of the Election Board, Advisory Body of the organization maintained that the n...

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اردو زبان کے ساتھ متعصب رویے پر حاجی کربلائی کا ردعمل

ایم پی لداخ اردو زبان کو مخصوص مذہب سے جوڑنے کے بجائے تاریخ اور جغرافیہ کا مطالعہ کرے 

سید ہاشم رضوی/12جنوری//یوٹی انتظامیہ کی جانب سے اردو زبان سے متعلق لئے گئے حالیہ اقدامات اور ممبر پارلیمنٹ لداخ جمیانگ چھرینگ نمگیال کی جانب سے اردو زبان کو سابقہ جموں وکشمیر حکومت کی طرف سے تھوپے گئے بیان سے لداخ کے اکثریتی طبقے میں تشویش کی لہر دوڑ گئی ہے۔

یوٹی لداخ کے پرنسپل سکریٹری پوون کوتوال کے جاری کردہ حالیہ نوٹفکیشن جس کے تحت پٹواری اور نائب تحصیلدار ریکروٹمنٹ رول میں ترمیم کرکے اردوزبان کو غیر ضرور...

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CEC Feroz Khan chairs review meeting of subsidy component for 2021-2022

KARGIL, JANUARY 11, 2022: Chairman and Chief Executive Councilor, LAHDC Kargil, Feroz Ahmed Khan today chaired a review meeting regarding physical and financial progress under subsidy component for financial year 2021-22 at Council Secretariat.

Executive Councilor for works, Aga Syed Abass Razvi, Executive Councilor Health Mohsin Ali, Deputy Commissioner and CEO LAHDC Kargil, Santosh Sukhadeve, Chief Planning Officer (CPO) Abdul Hadi, Chief Controller Finance (CCF) LAHDC Kargil, Iftikhar Huss...

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Changthang region to receive 422 quintals of feed

Leh, December 11:The Secretary Animal, Sheep, Husbandry and Fisheries, Ravinder Kumar informed that the feed distribution in the Durbuk region shall commence and approximately 422 quintals of feed are to be distributed amongst the nomads/herders as per the livestock strength. Additionally, Councilors shall also visit and supervise the process of distribution. Once it is completed, the situation will be reassessed and a contingency stock available with the Department of Animal and Sheep Husba...

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