CISF left out LAHDC Kargil from recruitment notification

KARGIL, JANUARY 25, 2021: Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) in a letter to SC/ST Commission and other offices of all States/UTs shared recruitment notification for the recruitment of meritorious sportsmen and women in CISF against sports quota – 2021.

However, the notification went viral on social media sites, where people alleged that the Ministry has left out LAHDC Kargil from providing a copy while a copy was sent to the LAHDC Leh and many other concerned offices.

The letter ...

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National Voters Day observed in Kargil

KARGIL, JANUARY 25, 2022: On the occasion of 12th National Voters Day, District Election Office Kargil today organized a virtual pledge ceremony with all district officers at NIC.

The theme of this year’s NVD is ‘Making Elections Inclusive, Accessible and Participative’ envisages focus on Election Commission of India (ECI’s) commitment to facilitate active participation of voters during the elections and to make complete process hassle-free and a memorable experience for all categories of...

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CEC Feroz Khan reviews dev. works of Shargole Constituency

Directs for maximum expenditure, early completion of works

Appreciates district officers for achieving more then 65% expenditure under district Capex

KARGIL JANUARY 24, 2021: Chairman and Chief Executive Councillor (CEC) LAHDC, Kargil, Feroz Ahmed Khan today chaired a meeting of officers at LAHDC Secretariat and reviewed various ongoing developmental works of different departments in Shargole Constituency.

Former Executive Councilor and Councilor Shargole Constituency, Muhammad Ali Chandan, Dis...

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AKSAD pays tribute to Lady Fatima Zahra on birth anniversary

DELHI, JANUARY 24, 2022: The All Kargil, Ladakh Students’ Association, Delhi (AKSAD) conducted a two-day webinar on the auspicious birth anniversary of Lady Fatima Zehra (s.a) with the theme Fatima is Fatima from January 22-23, 2022.

The webinar on January 22, 2022, held separately for ladies where Hajiya Banoo Nasiri, Hajiya Sakina Azizi and Marziya Khatoon were presided as key speakers. Naseema Banoo, who is the General Secretary of AKSAD concluded the session with the vote of thanks to the...

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انجمن بہبودی سادات ضلع کرگل کے اہتمام سے یوم مادر کے عنوا ن سے تقریب کا اہتمام

کرگل //24جنوری//
ولادت باسعادت شفیعہ محشر ،خاتون جنت، جگر گوشہ رسول مقبول حضرت فاطمہ زہرا سلام اللہ علیہا کے مناسبت پر انجمن بہبودی سادات ضلع کرگل کے اہتمام سے جشن محفل کا انعقاد کیاگیا۔

لداخ یوٹی میں عالمی وباءکورونا وائرس پھیلاﺅ کے مفروضہ کے پیش نظرضلع انتظامیہ نے انجمن بہبودی سادات ضلع کرگل کو امسال جشن ولادت باسعادت حضرت فاطمہ زہراسلام اللہ علیہا منانے کی اجازت نہ دینے کے بعد انجمن کے منتظمین نے ورچول موڈ پر( آن لائن ) جشن محفل کا اہتمام کیا ۔

اس تقریب سعید میں صدر انجمن بہبودی سادات حجت ال...

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Two-day workshop on Futuristic Technologies in Agriculture held in Leh

Leh, Jan 21: A two-day workshop on “Futuristic Technologies in Agriculture for Sustainable Living” was organised by Science, Technology and Innovation Hub for farmers, students, entrepreneurs and self-help groups working across India on January 18and 19. The workshop is funded by Department of Science and Technology (DST-SEED).

Director, Himalayan Institute of Alternatives Ladakh (HIAL),Sonam Wangchuk was the keynote speaker for the inaugural session. He applauded the efforts of CSIR-IMTE...

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Ladakh Women Ice Hockey team wins 9th IHAI National Championship

Leh, January 21: UT Ladakh Women Ice Hockey team has won the 9th IHAI National Women Ice Hockey Championship, held at Kaza, Himachal Pradesh, from 15.01.2022 to 20.01.2022. 

A total of six women ice hockey teams from Delhi, Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh, Chandigarh, I.T.B.P, and Telangana have participated in the National Championship. In this championship, UT Ladakh Women’s team won the Gold Medal. A total of 20 players from UT Ladakh participated and represented the UT in the championship. T...

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موجودہ دور حکومت میں ملک کے آئین کو نظرانداز کیاجارہاہے

کرگل //21جنوری// موجودہ دور حکومت میں آئین ہند کی توہین اور بابائے قوم کی تذلیل کی جارہی ہے جو ناقابل برداشت ہے ،ان باتوں کا اظہار مصلیٰ امام خمینی منجی گنڈ میں حجت الاسلام شیخ حسنین رضوانی نے جمعہ خطبہ میں نمازیوں سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے کیا۔

موصوف نے اس موقع پر یوم جمہوریہ کے مناسبت پر قوم و ملت کو مبارک باد پیش کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ جب 1950میں ڈاکٹر امبیڈکر نے ملک کی آئین تشکیل دی تو اس آئین کے تحت ملک کے تمام مذاہب ،رنگ ونسل اورمختلف قوموں سے تعلق رکھنے والوں کو برابر حق دیاگیا تھااور ملک کے ہرطبقہ ...

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Inner Line Permit not required for Indian citizens across Ladakh

KARGIL, JANUARY 20, 2022 (VoL Desk): The Tourism and Culture Department, Union Territory of Ladakh has done away with the requirement of Inner Line Permit for all citizens of India to ensure hassle-free movement across Ladakh.

The Department made the announcement in a reply to one Ms. Kanchan Ugursandi, a solo rider, from Ambedkarnagar, Delhi in response to his application CPGRAM filed vide registration number: DTOUR/E/2021/01089 – reg.

Ugursandi had requested for making Umling-La pass...

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Ladakh, J&K categorized as ‘Hard Areas’ within AGMUT

KARGIL, JAN 19, 2022: The Union Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has categorized the Union Territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh as “Hard Areas” in the Joint cadre of Arunachal Pradesh-Goa- Mizoram and Union Territory (AGMUT). An order to this effect was issued today.

Subsequent to the abrogation of Article 370, the Central Government had merged the Jammu and Kashmir cadre of IAS, IPS, and IFoS officers with that of AGMUT.

The MHA order bifurcated AGMUT cadre Union Territories into...

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