KARGIL, FEBRUARY 10, 2022: Tourism and Culture Department, Union Territory of Ladakh has invited suggestions/feedback from the general public and tourism stakeholders on the Draft Tourism Vision Document for Ladakh.
A notice issued by the department on Thursday informed that the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India has drafted a tourism vision document for Ladakh titled “A Tourism Vision for Ladakh”.
The notice reads that the draft vision document has been put in public domain for inviting...
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KVK Kargil celebrates World Pulses Day
Acting CEC Aga Abbas Razvi calls for promotion of pulses, organic farming
KARGIL, FEBRUARY 10, 2022: Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) Kargil-1 today celebrated World Pulses Day at its campus at Kurbathang which was attended by Acting Chief Executive Councillor (CEC), LAHDC, Kargil, Aga Syed Abbas Razvi.
While speaking on the occasion, Razvi said interventions in agricultural production should be done by the concerned executing agencies in collaboration with farmers and stakeholders to promote pulses...
CEC reviews NEP and Rationalization of govt schools in Leh
Leh, 09 Feb: The Chairman/CEC, LAHDC Leh, Adv. Tashi Gyalson convened a review meeting today to discuss various measures on the implementation of the National Education Policy 2020 and the rationalization of schools in Leh Ladakh.
The meeting was attended by Dy Chairman, Tsering Angchuk, Executive Councillor for RDD, Tashi Namgyal Yakzee, Executive Councillor for Minority Affairs, Ghulam Mehdi Ashoor, Executive Councillor for Art and Culture, Stanzin Chosphel, DC Leh, Shrikant Suse, CPO L...
پیپلزپارٹی کا الیکشن ٹریبونل کے فیصلے پر شدید تحفظات کا اظہار
گلگت/ایجنسیز/پیپلزپارٹی نے الیکشن ٹریبونل کے فیصلے پر شدید تحفظات کا اظہار کرتے ہوئے سپریم اپیلیٹ کورٹ سے رجوع کرنے کا اعلان کر دیا۔
بدھ کے روز پیپلزپارٹی کے صوبائی صدر امجد حسین ایڈووکیٹ نے ، جمیل احمد و دیگرکے ہمراہ پریس کانفرنس کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ عام الیکشن میں منظم دھاندلی ہوئی تھی اس دھاندلی کو منظم انداز میں چھپانے کیلئے عدلیہ کا سہارا لیا گیا۔
ٹریبونل کے فیصلے سے ہمیں احساس ہوا کہ یہاں کوئی عدالتی نظام نہیں, گلگت بلتستان ایسا خطہ ہے جہاں پر الحاق پاکستان سے اب تک آزاد عدلیہ وجود میں نہ آ...
DC Leh discuss implementation of School Health and Wellness Programme
Leh, Feb 08: Deputy Commissioner, Leh, Shrikant Suse, who is also the Chairman of the Coordination Committee School Health Programme, convened a meeting regarding the implementation of the School Health and Wellness Programme under Ayushman Bharat to improve the health of school children in Leh district.
District Immunization Officer (DIO), Leh, Dr Iqbal Ahmad, gave a detailed presentation on the vision and objectives of the programme. He highlighted and specified the functioning of the p...
Principal Secretary finalizes proposed annual action plan for 2022-2023
Leh, February 08: Principal Secretary, Dr. Pawan Kotwal, chaired a meeting in his office chamber to review the progress of action plan 2021-2022 and to finalize the proposed annual action plan for 2022-2023 of Health, Revenue, Forest, and Wildlife Departments.
In the meeting, the Principal Secretary instructed the officials to keep ready the Detailed Project Report (DPR) with an estimated cost for proposed new schemes for the financial year 2022-2023; get the administrative approvals for ...
11 new projects for Watershed Development recommends under PMKSY- 2.0
LEH, FEBRUARY 08, 2022: A meeting of the UT Level Sanctioning Committee (UTLSC) to finalize the Preliminary Project Report under Watershed Development Component of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Yojana 2.0 (WDS-PMKSY 2.0) for further submission to the Ministry was held under the Chairmanship of Advisor Ladakh, Umang Narula at Secretariat, Leh.
The Advisor directed the officials to work keeping in mind the main objective of Watershed Development which is to improve water conservation, irrigation fa...
ALSWAJ demands JKSSB exam pattern for Ladakh recruitments
KARGIL, FEBRUARY 07, 2022: The All Ladakh Students’ Welfare Association Jammu (ALSWAJ) in a letter to the Lieutenant Governor Ladakh, RK Mathur expressed concern over the change in pattern from JKSSB to SSC for the upcoming recruitments in Ladakh.
“As aspirants have been preparing as per the JKSSB pattern, it will be difficult for them to adapt to the new pattern of SSC in a short time”, maintained acting President of the Association Shaziya Nazir in the letter.
“There is a huge difference in ...
Secretary Tourism and Culture reviews performance of Tourism Development Authorities
Leh, 5 February: Secretary, Tourism & Culture, Kacho Mehboob Ali Khan, convened a meeting today related to working and performance of the Tourism Development Authorities (TDAs) of Ladakh at the UT Secretariat, Leh.
Highlighting the role of Tourism Development Authorities (TDAs) post creation of the Union Territory of Ladakh, the Secretary emphasised that the TDAs need to reorient their working to meet the needs of planned quality infrastructure in their respective jurisdictions based on p...
Student from Drass memorizes whole Quran
KARGIL, FEBRUARY 05, 2022: A Kargili student named Mohammad Hussain Hafizi from Goshan, Drass memorized whole Holy Quran at Madrasa Sofia Noor Bakshiya Ambadi.
A celebration was conducted at the madrasa on the completion of Qur’an today in which Muhammad Hussain Hafizi son of Iftikhar Hussain Goshan was honored and facilitated over his extraordinary achievement.
The clerics and teachers while speaking on the occasion highlighted the importance and usefulness of teaching the holy Qur’an.