Awareness program on women reproductive health, hygiene held at Sankoo

Kargil, May 25: District hub for empowerment of Women Mission Shakti Kargil in collaboration with BMO Sankoo on Friday conducted an awareness program on women reproductive health and hygiene with ASHA workers and Anganwadi Workers at ICDS Project Hall Sankoo.

The event was joined by BMO Sankoo Dr Zahida, a special resource person; District Mission Coordinator DHEW, Niyaz Hussain; Gender Specialist DHEW Aamina Banoo, Case Worker, Sapoora Banoo, other staffs and ASHA workers and AWWs were p...

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JERC Holds Public Hearing in Leh on LPDD: Reviews Past Performance and Future Plans

Leh, May 25The Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (JERC), Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh organised a Public Hearing in the matter of approval for True-up for the FY 2019-20, FY 2020-21, FY 2021-22 and FY 2022-23, Annual Performance Report (APR) for FY 2023-24 and Aggregate Revenue Requirement (ARR) along with tariff determination proposal for FY 2024-25 in respect of Ladakh Power Development Department (LPDD), UT Ladakh at DC Conference Hall today on May 25.

The hearing was chaired b...

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DLSA holds awareness program on Child-Friendly Legal Services and Protection Scheme at KGBV, Minjee

Kargil, May 25: The Chief Judicial Magistrate of District Legal Services Authority Kargil, accompanied by a team of DLSA staff members today visited the Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya (KGBV) in Minjee, Kargil.

The purpose of the visit was to observe and promote child friendly legal services and protection scheme for children.

The initiative aims to provide a nurturing environment where children can access legal aid and protection services in a supportive and understanding manner. The...

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Purgi Cultural Society Pays Tribute to Folk Song Legend Master Hussain Silmo

VoL Desk, May 26: A delegation of Purig Cultural & Literary Society  (PCLS) Kargil led by it’s President and noted Drama Artist Kacho Ahmed Khan (NSDite) visited the eternal resting place of legendary Purgi Folk Song Artist, Late Haji Mohammad Hussain Silmo (State Awardee) today and paid rich tribute and reverence to the legendary artist by reciting Fatiha and showering flowers on the grave.

This program was being organised to signify the onset of Mendoq-rGyaspa (The festival of Showering...

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Chairman JERC chairs Public Hearing at Leh

Leh, May 25, 2024: The Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (JERC), Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh organised a Public Hearing in the matter of approval for True-up for the FY 2019-20, FY 2020-21, FY 2021-22 and FY 2022-23, Annual Performance Report (APR) for FY 2023-24 and Aggregate Revenue Requirement (ARR) along with tariff determination proposal for FY 2024-25 in respect of Ladakh Power Development Department (LPDD), UT Ladakh at DC Conference Hall today on May 25.

The hearing was cha...

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Brigadier Deepak Sajanhar visits GDC Kargil, interacts with NCC Cadets

Kargil, May 24: Brigadier Deepak Sajanhar, an esteemed recipient of Sena Medal and Group Commander of Srinagar, today visited Government Degree College (GDC), Kargil where he interacted with NCC cadets.

Murtaza Ali, in-charge Associate NCC Officer (ANO) of GDC Kargil, extended a warm welcome to Brigadier Sajanhar by presenting him with a traditional khatak, a symbol of respect and honor in the region.

During the visit, the acting principal of GDC Kargil highlighted the achievements of ...

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Project Vijayak Successfully Utilizes REJUPAVE Technology in Drass

Kargil, May 24: The Border Roads Organisation (BRO) Project Vijayak in Kargil has successfully utilized the indigenous REJUPAVE road construction technology in Drass Kargil. Developed by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research-Central Road Research Institute (CSIR-CRRI), under the Ministry of Science and Technology, REJUPAVE was used to construct high-altitude bituminous roads in low and sub-zero temperatures on the Drass-Umbala-Sankoo Road, located in Drass, the world’s second col...

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DEO Leh chairs meeting regarding counting of Votes for LS Election 2024

Leh, May 24: In view of the counting of votes for the Lok Sabha Election 2024, the District Election Officer, Leh Santosh Sukhadeve convened a meeting at Sindhu Sanskriti Kendra (SSK) on May 24.

DEO provided a layout for the counting arrangements at the counting center, which will be held on 4 June. He further instructed that the counting hall should be ready by May 27.

It was discussed that for the preliminary count, scanners and computers would be required.

There was a focus on ma...

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Bear breaks into cow shed at Thasgam, Drass; villagers concerned

Vol Desk, May 24: Once again, bear breaks into animal shed at Thasgam, Drass that has caused loss of property and preyed a cow, stated the owner of the house in a telephonic conversation with Voice of Ladakh.

The cow was well grownup and newly bought at the cost of 54,000 rupees, stated the owner lamenting on his fate of such a huge loss.

Similar incident was also reported fifteen days ago in the neighborhood whereas per reports destroyed ration and caused huge loss to the family.


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INSPIRE -MANAK Mentorship Programme held at DIET Leh

Leh, May 24: The State Level Exhibition and Project Competition (SLEPC) of the District Finalist of UT Ladakh under the INSPIRE Awards-MANAK Scheme was held on May 24 at DIET Leh.

It was informed that the INSPIRE-MANAK Mentorship workshop was held online and the three National finalist students from UT Ladakh have joined the online mentorship.

The three National finalist students from UT Ladakh who showcased their project/Models were Stanzin Diskit of class 9 of Government Higher Secon...

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