CEC Feroz Khan chairs Governing Body Meeting of KREDA

KARGIL APRIL 24, 2021: Chairman and Chief Executive Councillor, LAHDC, Kargil Feroz Ahmad Khan chaired meeting of the Government Board of Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency (KREDA) at Tourist Facilitation Centre Bemathang here today evening.

Executive Councillor for Social Welfare Aga Syed Hassan Arman Mosavi, Executive Councillor for Works Mubarak Shah Nagvi, Executive Councillor for Zanskar Affairs Er Phunsog Tashi, Executive Councillor for Health Muhammad Ali Chandan, Deputy Commis...

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DDMA Leh to enhance capacity of Covid Command Centre

Leh, April 24: Chairman, District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA)/ Deputy Commissioner (DC) Leh, Shrikant Suse, has ordered the enhancement of the capacity of the 24×7 Covid Command Centre (CCC) established in the premises of the DC Office at Leh.

The Covid Command Centre has been established for the effective management of the quarantine centres and emergency cases.

Chairman, DDMA Leh, Shrikant Suse has directed the deployment of additional human resources and helpline number at ...

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Secy, IT Ladakh inaugurates training on Big Data Analytics, Cyber Security in Leh

LEH, April, 23: The 3-day training programme on ‘Big Data Analytics & Cyber Security’ commenced today in Leh. The training was inaugurated by Secretary, Information Technology, Ladakh Saugat Biswas. Earlier this month two more training were conducted for the officers of Ladakh administration, one on ‘Govt. Process Reengineering’ and another 3-day training on ‘Detail Project Report (DPR), Request For Proposal (RFP) and Contract Management’. 

The training was attended by senior and middle-l...

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CEC Leh convenes meeting to review Covid preparedness

Leh, April 23: Looking at the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in the district, the Chairman/Chief Executive Councillor, LAHDC, Leh, Advocate Tashi Gyalson convened a meeting today with all the stakeholders, including health, para-military, police and district administration, at the Council Secretariat, Leh to review the current situation of rising COVID-19 cases in Leh district.

CMO Leh briefed the meeting on the current scenario and the steps taken by the health department in containing ...

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Teachers Bodies Condemn Violence at CEO Office Kargil

KARGIL, APRIL 23, 2021: In a piece of very pathetic news, some people allegedly entered the office of the Chief Education Officer (CEO) Kargil and damaged public property while misbehaving with the CEO, said a joint press release issued by different teachers and lecturer organisations.

“We express our decry in strong words and can never tolerate such repulsive and detestable approaches against an Officer of high acumen and insight fulness. Moreover, we pronounce it in strong words, that s...

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Army rescue stranded vehicles, civilians at Khardung-La

Srinagar CNS, 23 April: On the evening of 21 April 2021, due to heavy snowfall, vehicle traffic was disrupted along the route from North Pullu – Khardung La Top – South Pullu leading to civilian vehicles getting stranded near Khardung La Top and North Pullu. The Indian Army troops of the Siachen Brigade immediately launched a rescue operation to extricate the stranded civilians.

At a distance of 5 Km from North Pullu towards Khardung La Top, three vehicles were stranded between snow slide...

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DPC Leh grants promotion to 167 employees

Leh, April 22: The Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) headed by Deputy Commissioner/CEO, LAHDC Leh Shrikant Suse, in a meeting today, cleared 167 time-bound promotion and functional promotion cases of non-gazetted employees serving in the district.

The DPC reviewed the proposals submitted by each department in congruence to the various recruitment rules. The 167 promotions included 155 time-bound promotions and 12 functional promotions.

Time-bound promotion cases of 67 employees of...

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CEC reviews COVID-19 preparedness in Kargil post Zojila re-opening

KARGIL, APRIL 22, 2021: Chairman and Chief Executive Councillor, LAHDC, Kargil Feroz Ahmad Khan convened a meeting to review various aspects related to COVID-19 mitigation measures and future strategy to deal with the pandemic in the district with the concerned district officers at Council Secretariat here today.

Executive Councilor for Health Muhammad Ali Chandan, Deputy Commissioner and CEO, LAHDC, Kargil Santosh Sukhadeve, Senior Superintendent of Police Kargil Anayat Ali Choudhary, Additi...

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Ladakh Public Representatives Reject National Level Bidding of Mining Blocks

KARGIL, APRIL 21, 2021: On the Ladakh Union Territory administration’s intention to provide National level bidding for minor mining blocks in Ladakh, various stakeholders including political and socio-religious organisations expressed their resentment over the potential move.

On April 3, the hill council in a meeting had decided to “assist the Department of Geology and Mining UT Ladakh in identification of Minor Minerals blocks on State land at different locations for e-auctioning purpose...

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Principal Secretary Kotwal reviews State/SDP plan of PHE & I&FC

Leh, April, 21: A meeting was chaired byPrincipal Secretary, Planning, Development and Monitoring Department Dr. Pawan Kotwal today to review the State/SDP plan of PHE & I&FC at the UT Secretariat. Administrative Secretary, Ravinder Kumar was present in the meeting.

Principal Secretary, Dr Pawan instructed the officials from PHE & I&FC to plan a good design purely based on Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) for extraction of water, filtration, storage and distribution. 


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