AIR Organise Swachtaa Abhiyan across Kargil

KARGIL, SEPTEMBER 06, 2021: In Ladakh, All India Radio Kargil Launched Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in its premises at Baroo as well as all its associate Stations as part of the Nation Wide Swachh Bharat Abhiyan under Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav (Celebration of the 75th year of Independence).

The Abhiyaan Started at 11 Am in the morning despite of Light snowfall and chilling temperature all the staff of the Station participated in the Abhiyaan led by Head of Office AIR Kargil Chandrika Prasad.


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DC Leh reviews current Covid-19 situation in Leh

Leh, Nov 06:  Deputy Commissioner/ Chairman, DDMA Leh, Shrikant Suse convened a meeting to take stock of the current Covid-19 situation in the Leh district.

DC Leh enquired about the arrangement and preparation of medical facilities in terms of beds, oxygen and medicines. He directed the concerned officers to make necessary arrangements at all levels to overcome any spike in Covid-19 cases. 

DC Leh also directed the surveillance officer to enhance Covid testing, contact tracing and sur...

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کے ڈی اے اور اپیکس اتحاد کے شاندار نتائج کامظاہرہ۔ شیخ حمید ناصری

اتحاد کو مزید تقویت دینے پر دیا زور

کرگل //5نومبر// سال 2019میں ریاست جموں کشمیر کودو یونین ٹیر ٹری میں تقسیم کرنے کے بعد لداخی عوام کے مشکلات میں بے تحاشااضافہ ہونے اور لداخ کی شناخت معدوم ہوتے دیکھ کر کرگل ڈیموکریٹک الائنس اور اپیکس باڈی لیہ نے ملکر لداخ کے مسائل حل کرنے اور عوامی حقوق کی بحالی کے لئے ملکر جدوجہد کرنے کا بیڑہ اٹھا یا جس کے بدولت آج لداخیوں کو لداخ ریزڈنس سرٹفکیٹ یعنی لداخی باشندہ ہونے کا سند ملا ،ان باتوں کااظہارحجت الاسلام شیخ حمید ناصری نے مصلیٰ امام خمینی منجی میں جمعہ خ...

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Com Secy convenes meeting to discuss winter preparedness

Leh, November 3: Commissioner Secretary, PWD-R&B, Ajeet Kumar Sahu convened a meeting to discuss ‘Winter Preparedness’ in connection with Kargil-Zanskar road, Zojila axis and Leh Manali road for winter. 

Commissioner Secretary Sahu directed teams from NHIDCL and PWD to conduct a joint visit and decide on deployment of manpower and machineries by identifying the vulnerable spots as per previous years experiences and feedback of locals. All such deployments should be fully equipped (food, P...

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Com Secy review progress of work under centrally sponsored schemes

Leh, November 3: Commissioner/ Secretary (PWD-R&B), Ajeet Kumar Sahu convened a meeting to review the progress/status of works/funds under centrally sponsored schemes implemented in the Union territory of Ladakh. 

During the meeting, the Commissioner /Secretary directed the officials of both Leh and Kargil to submit a report on winter preparedness concerning water tankers. He directed them to identify the areas with water shortages where these tankers would be used and also set up a helpl...

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Transparent process followed to choose Ladakh Tourism logo: press release

Leh, November 2: In light of the feedback on social media on release of the Tourism Logo on 31st October, 2021, it is felt necessary to inform the people of Ladakh at large about the process followed in selecting the Logo, said a press release issued by DIPR Leh.

“The Department of Tourism, UT Ladakh Logo released on 31.10.2021 has undergone a selection process of Logo design through open competition. In this regard designs/proposals were invited through notice dated 29.05.2020”, maintai...

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KDA says Ladakh Police shows extreme authoritarianism

Kargil, Nov 3, KNT: The move of Police in Kargil to summon students and political activists for being active on social media and organizing different protest marches has drawn flak.

Kargil Democratic Alliance while condemning the police move has stated that such action goes against the tenants of democracy and Indian Constitution.

Sources told news agency Kashmir News Trust that police in Kargil recently summoned political and social activist Sajjad Hussain Kargili with regard to his tweet abo...

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ALTOA appeals to reconsider Ladakh Tourism logo

KARGIL, NOVEMBER 02, 2021: All Ladakh Tour Operators Association (ALTOA) in a meeting with members of ALHGHA expressed anguish and disagreement over the recently launched logo to represent Ladakh Tourism, maintained a press release issued by the organisation.

The meering held today where members of both ALTOA and ALHGHA expressed anguish at the logo chosen to represent Ladakh Tourism.

The press release maintained that during the stakeholder consultation meeting the Administration had involved ...

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SVEEP Awareness Programme for Special Summary Rivision of Photo Electoral Roll held at GDC Drass

KARGIL, NOVEMBER 02, 2021: A SVEEP Awareness Programme for Special Summary Revision (SSR) of Photo Electoral Roll with reference to 01-01-2022 was organized by the District SVEEP Team Kargil at Government Degree College Drass here today.

Sub Divisional Magistrate/AERO Drass Anwar Hussain (JKAS) was the chief guest on the occasion.

Young prospective voters/students of Govt. Degree College and HSS Drass were the main participants, besides religious and political representatives, Chairperson BDC ...

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DC Kargil flags off awareness vehicle on National River Festival, 2021

KARGIL, NOVEMBER 01, 2021: As part of the Ganga Utsav-National River Festival 2021, Deputy Commissioner and CEO,  LAHDC, Kargil Santosh Sukhadeve flagged off an awareness vehicle from DC Office premises here today in order create awareness among the general public regarding the preservation and judicious use of water bodies. 

Additional Deputy Commissioner Tsering Motup, Superintending Engineer PWD Tashi Tundup, Executive Engineer Irrigation and Flood Control (I&FC) Muhammad Hassan, other...

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