General Council Meeting, LAHDC Kargil approves Rs 233.23 cr for current fiscal

KARGIL, APRIL 18, 2022: To finalize the annual Capex Budget for the year 2022-23, Chairman and Chief Executive Councilor (CEC), LAHDC, Kargil, Feroz Ahmad Khan today chaired the General Council Meeting of LAHDC Kargil and approved Rs 233.23 crores under Capex besides Rs 25 crores approximately under subsidy component for annual district plan for Kargil.

The budget comprises 100.57 crores for engineering sector and 132.7 crores for non-engineering sector. The GCM was held at Conference Hal...

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AAP Ladakh constitutes ad-hoc Executive Body for Kargil District

VoL Desk, April 18: The Aam Aadmi Party, Kargil unit today has constituted an ad-hoc Executive Committee for the District Kargil in presence of AAP Ladakh State Convener Tsering Punchok, announced a press release by the party State unit.

The Executive Body as announced in the said press release are: Reyaz Ahmed – Convener, Haji Murtaza – Joint Convener, Nasir Hussain, Joint convener, Abuzar and
Mohd Ali Abbasi as Secretary, Ahsan Ali Gonkhapa(Gandhi) and Mohd Ali Abbasi as Spokespersons, Mohd ...

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MD JKPCC reviews projects works at Leh

Leh, April 18: In order to expedite the progress of works and make JKPCC unit Ladakh fully functional, the Managing Director, JKPCC, R.K. Shavan was on a two-day tour to Leh, UT of Ladakh. During inspection, he interacted with the recently posted Engineering and Ministerial staff and directed them to work hard for revival of JKPCC in UT of Ladakh.

He also visited many project sites and inspected the progress & quality of works. He also identified bottlenecks & passed instructions for redr...

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Chief Justice Pankaj Mithal lays foundation stone of District Court Complex Kargil

KARGIL, APRIL 16, 2022: Justice Pankaj Mithal, Chief Justice of High Court of J&K and Ladakh in presence of Justice Tashi Rabstan, Judge, High Court of J&K and Ladakh and Administrative Judge today laid the foundation stone of District Court Complex Kurbathang, Kragil.

On the occasion, Sanjeev Gupta Registrar General, Rajeev Gupta, Principal Secretary to the Chief Justice of J&K and Ladakh,  Aijaz Ahmad Khan Principal District And Sessions Judge Kargil , Tsewang Phuntsog CJM Kargil, Monee...

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Workshop on State Energy Efficiency Action Plan for stakeholders held in Kargil

KARGIL, APRIL 16, 2022: Additional Deputy Commissioner, LAHDC, Kargil, Ghulam Mohi-Ud-Din Wani today chaired a workshop for stakeholders on State Energy Efficiency Action Plan (SEEAP) in Kargil.

The workshop was aimed to assess current energy consumption pattern of State/UT and identify the current challenges in implementation of existing policies to develop short-term (5 years) and long-term (10 years) energy efficiency action plan for UT Ladakh.

Addressing on the occasion, the ADC said until...

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DGBR Lt Gen Rajiv Chaudhry visits Zanskar

KARGIL, APRIL 16, 2022: Director General Border Road Organization (DGBRO) Lt General Rajiv Chaudhry accompanied by Chief Engineer project Yojak visited Zanskar subdivision on Friday.

Executive Councilor Tourism, RD and Zanskar Affair, LAHDC Kargil, Er. Punchok Tashi, Officiating Sub Divisional Magistrate Zanskar, Tsering Nurboo and Station House Officer Zanskar received the DGBRO at Kilima on behalf of the administration with traditional Khataqs.

A warm and colorful reception was also presente...

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سرائے کا مسئلہ افہام وتفہیم سے حل کیاجاسکتاہے: شیخ لطفی

“ہم حسینی ہیں ہمیں دھمکانے کی کوشش نہ کریں

وی ایل نیوزڈیسک//15اپریل//ہم ملت حسینی سے تعلق رکھتے ہیں شہید ہونا اورجیل جانا ہمارے لئے فخر کی بات ہے۔ یہ تمہاری بھول ہے کہ ہم اس قسم کی دھمکی سے خاموش بیٹھیں گے ۔ان باتوں کا اظہار شیخ محمد حسین لطفی نے جمعہ خطبہ کے دوران ایم پی لداخ اور اقلتی کمیشن کی طرف سے چندروز قبل امام خمینی میموریل ٹرسٹ کے وائس چیئر مین شیخ بشیر شاکر کے بیان کو اکسانے والے بیان قرار دیکر ان کے خلاف قانونی کاروائی کرنے کا مطالبہ کیاتھا۔

شیخ لطفی نے کہا کہ شیخ بشیر کے ب...

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ملک میں جاری مسلم مخالف سازشوں پر امام جمعہ آئی کے ایم ٹی کا شدید ردعمل

مہنگائی اور بے روزگاری سے توجہ ہٹانے کے لئے ملک میں ہندومسلم کے درمیان منافرت پھیلایاجارہاہے شیخ لطفی

نیوزڈیسک//15اپریل// بی جے پی سرکاربرسراقتدارآنے کے بعد مختلف بہانوں سے مسلمانوں کونشانہ بنایا جارہاہے ۔ملک میں مہنگائی اور بے روزگاری عروج پر ہے اورملک کی جی ڈی پی کی حالت غیر مستحکم ہے ۔جس سے توجہ ہٹانے کے لئے بی جے پی سرکار آر ایس ایس اور بجرنگ دل جیسے فرقہ پرست تنظیموں کے ذریعے ملک میں اقلیوں خاص کر مسلمانوں کے خلاف زہر افشانی کررہی ہے۔

ان باتوں کا اظہار آج نماز جمعہ کے خطبے کے دورا...

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INR 124 Crore allocated for UT Ladakh in AMRUT 2.0

Leh, April 13: Advisor, UT Ladakh, Umang Narula (Chairman of UTHPSC) convened the first UT Level High Powered Steering Committee (UTHPSC)meeting to discuss the action plan for implementation of “Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation 2.0” (AMRUT 2.0) in UT Ladakh. 

The priority zone of the AMRUT 2.0 mission is a 24 x 7 Water Supply, Sewerage/ Septage Management, Rejuvenation of Water Bodies, and development of Park/Green Space Development in municipal areas.

It was brie...

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Div Com chairs traffic management meeting for Leh ahead of tourist season

Leh, April 15: A meeting to deliberate on the traffic management planning of Leh town was chaired by the Divisional Commissioner, Ladakh, Saugat Biswas, with the participation of senior officers related with traffic management and town planning.

SP Traffic, Rafiq Giri made a detailed presentation on the main traffic pressure points in Leh city. He apprised the Divisional Commissioner that Traffic Enforcement Squads and Traffic personnel are deployed at all these pressure points to check w...

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