CBC GoI concludes its outreach campaign in Ladakh, organizes 4th ICOP in Kargil

Empowerment of society starts with awareness. Information a powerful tool for social upliftment: CEC Feroz Khan

Government’s welfare schemes meant for equitable development of the nation: DC Santosh

Kargil, October 27, 2022: The Central Bureau of Communication (CBC), Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Government of India today concluded a two-week-long public outreach campaign in the Union Territory of Ladakh by organizing the final Integrated Communication & Outreach Program (IC...

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IKMT condemn barbaric terrorist attack in Shah Chiragh Iran

VoL Desk, Oct. 27: The Imam Khomeini Memorial Trust (IKMT) Kargil, Ladakh, on behalf of people of Kargil strongly condemned the barbaric terrorist attack in the Holy Shrine of Hazrat Ahmed Ibn Musa
(AS), Shah Chiragh Shiraz, Iran on Wednesday.

Imam Khomeini Memorial Trust (IKMT) Kargil at this juncture condole the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamnaie and the people of Islamic Republic of Iran, read a statement issued by the General Secretary of the organization.

We also condole and express...

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Inter School tournament for Hr Sec Schools of Leh concludes

Leh, Oct 27: The Inter School Tournament for Higher Secondary Schools of Leh district (girls’ category) concluded at Open Stadium Spituk today, in the presence of chief guest Deputy Chairman, LAHDC, Leh, Tsering Ancghuk and guest of honour Deputy Commissioner, Leh, Shrikant Suse.

The Inter School Tournament for Hr Sec Schools of Leh District 2022-23 was organised by the Department of Youth Services and Sports, Leh. In the girls’ tournament, 13 schools from different parts of the district ...

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سرسید احمد خان کا خواب تاحال شرمندہ تعبیر نہ ہو سکا ۔پروفیسر انور عالم پاشا

وی ایل ڈسک// شعبہ اردو کرگل کیمپس یونیورسٹی آف لداخ کی جانب سے “جشن یوم سر سید” تقریب کا اہتمام۔ “سرسید تحریک اور آج کا عصری منظر نامہ”پر جواہر لال نہرو یونیورسٹی کے معروف سینئر استاد پروفیسر انور پاشا کا آن لائن توسیعی خطبہ۔

آج مورخہ 25 اکتوبر ٢٠٢٢ شعبہ اردو کرگل کیمپس کی جانب سے “جشن یوم سرسید “تقریب کا اہتمام کیا گیا جس میں پروفیسر انور پاشا نے آن لائن توسیعی خطبہ پیش کیا ۔

اس پروقار تقریب کے آغاز میں محترمہ کنیز فاطمہ (ریکٹر کرگل کیمپس) نے پروفیسر انور پاشا کے ہمراہ اس تقریب کے تما...

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DSSRB Kargil invites application for 83 District Cadre Posts

VoL Desk, Oct. 26: The Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council-Kargil Subordinate Service Recruitment Board invites online applications from eligible candidates for participation in the selection process for 83 number of District Cadre posts.

The detailed terms and conditions with regard to eligibility, educational qualification, reservation quota and other conditions are given in the Advertisement notification.

The opening date of receipt of online Application Forms is October 26, ...

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Apex Body and KDA to launch sustained movement for Ladakh’s four-point agenda

VoL Desk, Oct. 26: In a recent development on core four issues of Ladakh, the Apex Body Leh and Kargil Democratic Alliance (KDA) announced a future course of action after a meeting between the veteran leaders of the two districts at Green Dragon Hotel, Leh today.

The meeting was attended by Apex Body leader Tsering Dorjay Lakruk, Thupstan Chewang, KDA Co-Chairperson Asgar Ali Karbalai, Qambar Ali Akhone, representatives of IKMT Sheikh Bashir Shakir, ISK representative Sajjad Kargili, LAHD...

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CEC Feroz Khan chairs review meeting to discuss developmental activities of Kargil town

KARGIL, OCTOBER 25, 2022: Chairman/CEC, LAHDC, Kargil Feroz Ahmed Khan today chaired a review meeting at Council Secretariat with the concerned officers in order to discuss various developmental activities of Kargil town.

Councilor Town Haji Abass, Executive Engineer PHE, I&FC, R&B, CMO Kargil, BMO, CEO Kargil, Engineers of PDD mechanical department besides other concerned officers were present during the meeting.

Threadbare discussion and deliberation were held on the various aspects ...

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UT Administration orders regularization of daily rated workers covered under SRO-64 of 1994

VoL Desk, Oct. 25: The Deputy Secretary to the Administration, Zakir Hussain in a fresh circular today has instructed regularization of daily rated workers/ work charged employees covered under SRO-64 of 1994 engaged before 31 March 1994.

Attention of all the Administrative Secretaries of the Departments is invited towards SRO-64 dated: -24.03.1994, regarding the Jammu & Kashmir Daily Rated Workers/Work Charged Employees (Regularization) Rules, 1994, in terms of which regularization of Da...

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Ex Councillor Hajiya Marziya passes away

VoL Desk, Oct 24: Former Councillor, LAHDC Kargil, Hajiya Marziya passes away to the eternal abode on Sunday at Jammu where her last rituals were performed. She was 54 years old.

Hajiya Marziya served as a nominated women Councillor at the LAHDC Kargil.

CEC Kargil Feroz Ahmad Khan condoled the sad demise of Hajiya Marziya, where he said that Marziya was a very humble and determined lady who never failed in her duty towards the people adding that she was a leader par excellence.


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UT Level Departmental Promotion Committee constitutes for Finance Department

VoL Desk, Oct. 25: The Commissioner Secretary, General Administration Department, UT Ladakh Ajeet Kumar Sahu has sanctioned constitution of UT/Divisional Level Departmental Promotion Committee for Finance Department (Unfunded Debt).

In a fresh Order No.322-LA (GAD) of 2022, Dated: 25.10.2022 the GAD maintained that, “In terms of Rule 21 of the J&K Civil Services Decentralization & Recruitment Rules, 2010, sanction is hereby accorded to the constitution of UT/ Divisional level Departmental...

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