2-day free eye cataract surgery camp concludes at CHC Sankoo

49 cataract, 10 pterygium cases operated

Kargil, Nov 18, 2022:

To reduce the backlog of cataract cases in the district, Health Department Kargil, Ladakh on organized a two-day free eye cataract surgery camp at CHC Sankoo in collaboration with Perfect Vision (Super Speciality Eye Hospital) Srinagar which concluded today.

Dr Omar Rashid, a renowned Phaco Surgeon and Corneal Surgeon of Perfect Vision and Consultant Ophthalmologist District Hospital Kargil, Dr Asiya Noor, a renowned Oph...

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أئی کے ایم ٹی کرگل اور اسلامیہ سکول کے زعماکادورہ دراس

أگ سے متاثرہ مسجدکے مسئولین سے کی ملاقات

وی او ایل/امام خمینی میموریل ٹرسٹ کرگل اورجمعیت العلماء اثناعشریہ کرگل کے زعماء نے  سرحدی سب ڈیویژن دراس کا دورہ کرکے اگ سے متاثر  مسجدکاجائزہ لیا اورمسجدکے مسئولین سے ملاقات کی۔

تفصیلات کے مطابق  امام خمینی  میموریل  ٹرسٹ کرگل کے وائس چیئرمن  شیخ بشیرشاکرکے قیادت میں ایک ٹیم نے  وائس چیئرمین بسیج روحانیون شیخ محمدحسین رجائی۔امام جماعت شیخ خادم صادقی اورسیدعلی شہبازی کے ہمراہ  دراس سب ڈیویژن ہیڈکوارٹرکادورہ کیا جہاں گذشتہ رات اگ کے نتیجے مسجدحنف...

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CEC Feroz Khan inaugurates Super Bazar, 400 mt fertilizer godown at Sankoo market

Kargil, Nov 18, 2022:

Chairman/CEC, LAHDC, Kargil Feroz Ahmed Khan in presence of Executive Councilor Cooperatives Mubarak Shah Naqvi and Secretary Cooperatives Ravinder Kumar today inaugurated Super Bazar Cooperatives “Pick and Choose” and 400 mt Fertilizer Godown at Sankoo market.

Additional Registrar Cooperatives Moses Kunzang, SDM Sankoo Muhammad Haneef, Executive Engineer Suru Valley Syed Mehdi, Deputy Registrar Cooperatives Dr Zakir Hussain, Councilor Sankoo Syed Ahmad Razvi, Cou...

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Dept of Cooperative, Ladakh celebrates 69th All India Cooperative Week

Leh, November 17: The Department of Cooperative UT, Ladakh celebrated 69th All India Cooperative Week, 2022 (14-20th November 2022) today at the Conference Hall, DC Office which was presided over by Secretary Cooperatives, UT, Ladakh Ravinder Kumar; Hon’ble Executive Councillor, LAHDC, Leh, Ghulam Mehdi and Deputy Commissioner/CEO, LAHDC, Leh, Shrikant Balasaheb Suse, The program was attended by the Officers /officials from the Cooperative Department, Leh, and member representatives from var...

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Thoise Airport to get operational under UDAAN for civilians

Leh, Nov 17: A long pending demand of the people of Nubra valley gets a leap ahead as the airport at Thoise sanctioned under UDAAN scheme has been allotted 28 kanals as informed.

A joint survey was conducted by the officials of Indian Airforce, Civil Administration, Defence Estate office and Airport Authority of India recently to demarcate the land and the handing over of land with a prepared sketch was initiated today by the said officials in the presence of Councillor Tiger, BDC Chairp...

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BHC&RC Kargil launch programme for sisters on Menstrual Hygiene

VoL Desk, Nov. 16: Baqirya Health Care and Research Centre, Kargil launched its programme for sisters “menstrual health and hygiene as a human right issue and sensitization regarding use of Menstrual cups and tampoons” at CHC Sankoo today.

Around hundred females including ASHAS, CHC Sankoo staffs and girl students of Higher Secondary School Sankoo participated in the event.

BMO Sankoo Dr Ghulam Hussain, BMO Shargole and founder member of Baqirya Dr Zahida Banoo, Gynecologist and Obstet...

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YAC march awareness rally in Kargil as part of Vigilance Awareness Week

VoL Desk, Nov. 17: As part of Vigilance Awareness Week, Youth Action Committee (YAC) Kargil Ladakh held a peaceful awareness rally today started from Eco Stand and culminated at Lal Chowk Kargil, read a press release by the organisation.

The rally was organized in a very cordial environment, with the support of Youth organizations, Schools and Financial Crime Unit Kargil, Ladakh.

The peaceful rally was aimed to convey the message to public to be aware of their rights authorised by the ...

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Qadeem Hanfia Masjid in Drass gutted in a fire incident

GN Raina

Kargil, Nov 16, KNT: A Jamia Masjid was completely gutted in a devastating fire incident in Drass area of Kargil on late Wednesday evening.
Local sources told news agency Kashmir News Trust that fire broke out in the Masjid and in absence of any fire dousing mechanism, the Masjid got completely damaged.
“Qadeem Hanfia Masjid was completely gutted in a fire incident,” confirmed a police officer.
Chairman/Chief Executive Councillor (CEC) Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council...

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Principal Secretary reviews status of various projects of Health Dept

Leh, November 15: The Principal Secretary, Health and Medical Education, Dr. Pawan Kotwal chaired a meeting to review the progress of various projects of the Health Department at the Civil Secretariat, Leh.

Dr. Kotwal congratulated the Health Department for implementing the Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969 in Ladakh. He exhorted that no one should be denied their right to be registered once they are born as it is a person’s right to be counted at both extremes of life for socia...

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Secretary Transport Ladakh releases Contract Carriage Rate List; reflecting an unprecedented hike

Leh, Nov 14: Divisional Commissioner/ Secretary Transport Department Ladakh Saugat Biswas released the rate list for Contract Carriages for each district – Leh and Kargil, revised for the first time since 2018.

The revised rate list brought out by the Office of the Regional Transport Officer are the new rates approved by the State Transport Authority, Ladakh. The RTO informed that the hike in 2022 is unprecedented and much higher than the previous rates issued in 2018.


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