GoI approves creation of 45 posts for National Institute of Sowa-Rigpa Leh

Leh, April 12: Govt of India has approved the creation of 45 new posts for the National Institute of Sowa-Rigpa (NISR), Leh Ladakh on various levels. The Union Cabinet, under the Chairmanship of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, approved the establishment of the National Institute of Sowa-Rigpa at Leh Ladakh on 20th November 2019. 

The creation of 45 new posts is a historic occasion for the Sowa-Rigpa system of medicine, particularly the National Institute of Sowa-Rigpa. Out of the 45 sanctio...

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شب ضربت مولائے متقیان اورشب قدر کے مناسبت پر ضلع بھر میں روح پرور مجالس اور شب بیداری

وی ایل نیوزڈیسک// شب ضربت مولائے متقیان امیر المومنین علی ابن ابی طالب علیہ سلام اور شب قدر کے مناسبت سے ضلع بھر میں روح پرور مجالس اور شب بیداری کی گئی۔

اس مناسبت پر سب بڑا مجالس ضلع ہیڈ کوارٹر پر امام خمینی میموریل ٹرسٹ کے زیر اہتمام مرکزی جامع مسجد کرگل میں منعقد ہوا جہاں ہزاروں کی تعداد میں مومنین نے شرکت کی۔

اس موقع پر حجتہ الاسلام شیخ حمید ناصری نے شب قدر کی اہمیت اور اس سے درک کرکے اعلیٰ مقام تک پہنچنے کا فارمولہ پیش کرتے ہوئے شب ضربت مولائے متقیان امیر المومین علیہ سلام پر مفص...

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Various delegations from Zanskar meet LG Ladakh, request for better education facilities and exam centers

VoL Desk, April 10: The Hon’ble Lt. Governor Brig (Dr) BD Mishra received scheduled calls from two delegations from Zanskar, each with their own set of requests.

Firstly, the All Zanskar Student Association, Jammu delegation requested improvements in the overall education scenario in Zanskar sub-division, including the opening of a Kendriya Vidyalaya with residential facilities, and an IGNOU study center.

They also requested an exam center for DSSRB exams in Zanskar, citing issues rel...

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LG Mishra attends Iftar Party, highlights importance of brotherhood & cooperation in Ladakh

VoL Desk, April 09: Hon’ble Lt. Governor Brig (Dr) BD Mishra attended an Iftar Party hosted by the Anjuman Imamia Leh at the Imam Bargah in Leh, which was attended by representatives of all religious communities, civil society organizations, and elected representatives.

The Hon’ble LG expressed his pleasure for being a part of the gathering in the holy month of Ramzan, stating that it delivers a message of brotherhood amongst the people of Ladakh.

During the event, the HLG emphasized ...

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CEC Kargil chairs Governing Board Meeting to discuss developmental works of Tourism Dept.

Kargil, April 10, 2023: Chairman/CEC, LAHDC, Kargil, Feroz Ahmed Khan today chaired the Governing Board Meeting and reviewed developmental works of Tourism Department, new proposals for the Financial Year 2023-24 under Kargil Development Authority (KDA) and Zanskar Development Authority (ZDA) in the district at Council Secretariat Kargil.

Executive Councilor, RD, Tourism and Zanskar Affairs, Er. Punchok Tashi, Deputy Commissioner/CEO, LAHDC, Kargil, Santosh Sukhadeve, Director Tourism, La...

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بسیج روحانیوں و زینبیہ نے كیا نوبالغ لڑكے لڑکیوں کے لیے جشن تکلیف كا انعقاد

كرگل// اپریل 09// بسیج روحانی امام خمینی میموریل ٹرسٹ کی جانب سے آج سال 2023 میں بالغ ہونے والے لڑکوں اور لڑکیوں کے لیے جشن تکلیف یعنی روز آغاز عبادت و بندگی کا امام خمینی ٹاور كرگل میں اہتمام کیا گیا۔

اس جشن میں30 دارالقرآنوں کے 300 سے زاید طلاب وطالبات کے علاوہ اسا تذہ اور کمیٹی ممبران نے شرکت کی۔

جشن تکلیف کا آغاز تلاوت کلام پاک سے کیا۔ اس کے بعد گر وہ طلاب دار القرآن ولی عصر برو تھنگ نے بارگاہ رسالت میں خراج عقیدت پیش کی۔

اس موقع پر بچوں سے مخاطب ہوتے ہوئے ممبر نگران کونسل جناب ...

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CEC flags off buses to various Higher Secondary Schools of Kargil

Kargil, April 10: Today, Feroz Ahmad Khan, the Chairman and Chief Executive Councillor of LAHDC Kargil, flagged off buses to various Higher Secondary Schools in Kargil in the second phase under District Capex 2022-23.

The event was attended by Deputy Commissioner and CEO, LAHDC Kargil, Executive Councillors, Councillors, Chief Education Officer, and Principals of Higher Secondary Schools, including Sankoo, Chanigund, Phey Zanskar, Shakar, Pashkum, and Yourbaltak.

During the occasion, ...

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Delegation of Doctors in Ladakh Meets LG to Discuss Recruitment Rules for Health Department

VoL Desk, April 08: In a recent development, a delegation of members from the Doctors Association of Ladakh met with the Hon’ble Lt. Governor at Raj Niwas to discuss the provisions in the Recruitment Rule draft for Gazetted posts in the Health Department of Ladakh.

The delegation requested the filling up of senior posts such as BMO, DIO, Dy. CMO, DHO, etc. through promotions instead of direct recruitment.

Additionally, they also requested the creation of additional administrative post...

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ADC Kargil reviews arrangements for Shab-e-Qadr, other events

Kargil April 08, 2023: Additional Deputy Commissioner, Kargil, Ghulam Mohi-ud-Din Wani today convened a meeting with concerned officers/officials and religious organizations to review arrangements for Shab-e-Qadr, commemoration of Martyrdom Day of Hazrat Ali (AS) on 21st Ramadan, Jumu’atul-Wida and Eid-ul-Fitr.      

The religious organizations requested the district administration to make necessary arrangements for the upcoming Shabs, processions, Jumu’atul-Wida and Eid-ul-Fitr (2023).

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EC Health Mohsin Ali calls on LG Ladakh, Brig. B.D. Mishra at Raj Niwas

Kargil, April 08, 2022: Executive Councilor, Health, LAHDC, Kargil Mohsin Ali today met the Lieutenant Governor (LG) UT Ladakh, Brig. (Dr.) B.D. Mishra (Retd) at Raj Niwas Ladakh and discussed various issues relating to Shakar Chiktan Sub Division and the department’s assigned to him in LAHDC Kargil and put forth some requests.

During the meeting, EC Mohsin put forth some issues related to the Sub Division like mobile network tower especially in Hagniss and Kukshow.

He also requested f...

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