Travel Agencies, Hoteliers from Ladakh Taking Part in SATTE 2021

Leh, March 24: To promote the immense potential of tourism in Ladakh, Tourism Department Ladakh is taking part in South Asia’s Travel & Tourism Exchange (SATTE) at India Expo Mart in Greater Noida, Delhi NCR.

A total of 36 participants, including travel agents and hoteliers from Leh and Kargil districts, are taking part in the three-day event.

Secretary of Tourism, Government of India, Arvind Kumar, visited the Ladakh Tourism Pavillion and interacted with the officials, travel agencies an...

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Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav: Cultural Academy Organise Poetic Symposium

Leh, March 24: Ladakh Academy of Art, Culture and Language, Leh, organised a one-day poetic symposium on March 23 as a part of the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav celebrations commemorating the 75th anniversary of India’s Independence.

Scholars, including Ven Thupstan Palden, Ven Chosphel, Padma Shri Morup Namgyal, Mipham Otsal, Tsewang Dorjey Dongbos, poets, writers and artists, took part in the symposium chaired by Professor Jamyang Gyaltson.

A total of 14 poets recited their compositions during the...

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World TB Day observed in Kargil

KARGIL, MARCH 24, 2021: Like other parts of the country, World Tuberculosis Day was observed in Kargil today.

In this connection, a function was organized by the District Tuberculosis Control Society at District Hospital Kargil.

Executive Councilor for Social Welfare Aga Syed Hassan Arman Mosavi was the chief guest on the occasion while the Executive Councilor for Health Muhammad Ali Chandan was the guest of honor.

Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Kargil Dr Munawar Hussain Wazir, Deputy CMO Mumtaz ...

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دیامر میں بارشوں اور لینڈ سلائیڈنگ سے دو افراد از جان

ایجنسیز/24مارچ/ دیامر میں بارشوں اور لینڈ سلائیڈنگ سے دو افراد جاں بحق ہوگئے۔

چلاس سے داریل جانے والی گاڑی بصری کے مقام پر لینڈ سلائیڈنگ کی زد میں آکر کھائی میں جاگری جس کے نتیجے میں داریل سے تعلق رکھنے والے دو افراد موقع پر جاں بحق ہوگئے جبکہ متعدد زخمی ہوئے,زخمیوں کو قریبی ہسپتال منتقل کیا گیا۔

جاں بحق افراد کی نعشیں کھائی سے نکال کر لواحقین کے حوالے کر دی گئیں۔

حادثہ سہ پہر پیش آیا جہاں چلاس سے سواریوں کو لیکر داریل جانے والی گاڑی پر پتھر گر نے سے گاڑی الٹ کر کھائی میں جاگری اور دو قمیتی انس...

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Class 10th Result: Fatima of Thila, Shines as Kargil District Topper

KARGIL, MARCH 23, 2021: Fatima Hoora, a student of Mutahhary Public High School Baroo secured the top position in all over Kargil among around 2300 students appeared in the Class 10th examinations.

Born in a middle family at far flung village of Thila, Barsoo to Sheikh Mohammad Ali Waziri, Hoora has secured 484 marks out of 500. The second position is secured by Hamid Ali from Mutahhary Public School Kargil High Department with 476 marks. While the third position is secured by Tajammul Ar...

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چیف کورٹ :ٹیچنگ کیڈر تبدیل کرنے پر پابندی عائد ، تمام ترقیوں کو کالعدم قرار

ایجنسیز//چیف کورٹ گلگت بلتستان نے ٹیچنگ کیڈر تبدیل کرنے پر پابندی عائد کرتے ہوئے کیڈر تبدیل کرکے کی جانے والی تمام ترقیوں کو کالعدم قرار دیدیا اور سیکرٹری تعلیم کو حکم دیا کہ یکم جولائی 2015ء کو جاری ہونے والے نوٹیفکیشن کے عین مطابق 464اسامیوں کی تقسیم کو برقرار رکھا جائے اور مجوزہ بھرتی قواعد 2020 کو تبدیل کیا جائے۔

چیف کورٹ کے چیف جج ملک حق نواز کی سربراہی میں جسٹس علی بیگ پر مشتمل دو رکنی بنچ نے گلگت بلتستان ٹیچر ایسوسی کی جانب سے دائر رٹ پٹیشن کی سماعت کی اور فیصلہ سنا دیا۔

چیف کورٹ نے 8جو...

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LG Stresses to Seek Sustainable Solutions to Water Issues in Ladakh

Leh, March 22: The Lieutenant Governor of Ladakh, R K Mathur presided over as the chief guest virtually for a day long conference on World Water Day on the theme of ‘Water Supply and Sanitation in Cold Climates- All Year 24×7 Water Supply, Waste Management’ held at Kargil today.

Speaking on the occasion, LG Mathur said that water has always remained a crucial issue. He thanked the participants from outside Ladakh for sharing their knowledge and expertise in water managing that would help Lada...

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Leh District Celebrates World Water Day

Leh, March 22, 2021: With other parts of the world, different organisations and fraternities in Leh district of Ladakh also observed the World Water Day 2021 today.

The officials of UT Administration, including the Deputy Chairman, LAHDC, Leh; Executive Councillor, Agriculture, LAHDC; Deputy Commissioner, Leh; Chairpersons of Block Development Councils; Sarpanches; Chief Planning Officer, Leh; Executive Engineer, PHE, Leh and officers from the different department, took part in the World ...

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World Water Day: Series of Events held Across Kargil

KARGIL, MARCH 22, 2021: Observing the World Water Day 2021 on the theme “Valuing Water” series of events held at different places of Kargil today.

With other parts of the country, Gram Panchayats across Kargil district attended the webcast of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s nationwide address on Jal Shakti Abhiyan with the theme of “Catch the rain, when and where it falls”.

After the webcast, Sarpanchs conducted Gram Sabhas on value and conservation of water. PRI members along with vill...

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Covid-19 Vaccination Drive Reach Itchoo

Itchoo, March 22, 2021: The ongoing COVID-19 vaccination for people above 60 years of age and those above 45 years with co-morbidities reaches to inaccessible and remotest village Itchoo of District Kargil.

A Medical Team’s led by Dental Surgeon Dr Mohd Issa, I/C AEFI Management, Mohd Hussain Malik Incharge Sub Centre of Ithoo, Mohd Baqir Vaccination Officer arrived at Itchoo on Saturday.

The village Itchoo one of the remotest and inaccessible village is situated at an altitude of 12760 feet a...

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