Congregation and Processions at Sankoo Mark Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Ali (A.S)

Sankoo, March 22 – The martyrdom anniversary of Hazrat Imam Ali (A.S), on the 21st of Ramadan, was solemnly observed in Sankoo Sub-Division of Kargil district. Imam Ali, the first Imam as per Shia sect was martyred on the eve of Shab-e-Qadr.

Imam Ali, the cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), was struck in the head with a poisonous sword by Ibn Muljam while he was offering prayers in the Great Mosque of Kufa (modern-day Iraq) on the 19th of Ramadan, 40 AH (27 January AD 661). He passed away two days later. His martyrdom marks a significant moment in Islamic history and is commemorated by Muslims worldwide, especially on the Night of Qadr, which is considered one of the holiest nights in Islam.

In Sankoo Sub Division, special prayers were held throughout the night in various villages, where locals gathered to pray for prosperity and communal harmony. These prayers took place in a peaceful and solemn environment, with the local community reflecting on Imam Ali’s contributions to Islam.

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An impressive religious procession was organized by the Markaz-e-Tabligat Imam Rameza Sankoo and Anjuman-e-Sahib Zaman (ASZ). Thousands of mourners, dressed in black, participated in the procession, chanting lamentations and beating their chests to commemorate Imam Ali’s martyrdom.

The procession included the carrying of the Alam-e-Hussaini and banners as mourners remembered Imam Ali’s sacrifices. During the event, religious head’s, highlighted Imam Ali’s exemplary life and his teachings of justice, equality, and loyalty. 

The religious organisations expressed gratitude to the medical staff, the Police Department, and the PHE Department for their support in ensuring the smooth conduct of the procession.

The martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Ali (A.S) was also observed in various other areas, including Suru, Tai Suru, Parkachik, Purtikchay, Thangboo, Kargee, Tangole, Barsoo, Sangrah, Trespone, GM Pore, Tambis, Saliskote, and IZEC Lankerchey.


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