No Aadhaar without a valid birth certificate for 0 to 5, Advisor Ladakh reviews Aadhaar Penetration

Leh, September 17, 2024: The Advisor to the Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor UT Ladakh, Dr. Pawan Kotwal IAS chaired a UIDIC meeting to review Aadhaar penetration and usage of Aadhaar for good governance in UT Ladakh, at Civil Secretariat Leh.

Bhawna Garg, Deputy Director General (DDG) UIDAI, apprised the Advisor about the progress of Aadhaar enrolment/ updation in Ladakh. She also appraised about the challenges to enrol children in the age-group of 0-5 years.

The presentation covered key aspects including working of Aadhaar Centers, Aadhaar penetration status, Department wise review, Aadhaar usage for Welfare schemes etc.

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During the meeting, The Advisor Ladakh meticulously reviewed the work progress of Enrolment Agencies and highlighted issues related to the Aadhaar generation in UT. He stressed the officials to work hand in hand and identify delays and technical snags, so that left-out population to be covered.

He emphasised that covering children aged 0-5 years under the Aadhaar initiative enables parents and children to avail multiple benefits. He further said that 0-5 years age should be enrolled with Aadhar with a valid birth certificate, He instructed that birth certificates should be issued on time so that Aadhaar enrolment will be done in the hospital itself.

During the meeting, the Advisor instructed that all the non- Functional kits be made functional. He instructed officials that awareness campaigns and intensive advertisement should be done by all the enrolment agencies of Aadhaar. People should also be made aware of the document update process.

Advisor stressed that residents who got Aadhaar more than 10 years ago should update their Aadhaar with valid documents. Moreover, document update is currently free online up to 14th December 2024.

The meeting was attended by the Principal Secretary Sanjeev Khirwar, Bhawna Garg, DDG UIDAI RO Chandigarh, S.D Singh Jamwal, ADGP Ladakh; Commissioner Secretary, Health and Medical Education,  Dr. Vasanthakumar; Commissioner Secretary, Social and Tribal Welfare,  Padma Angmo; Administrative Secretary,  Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, Yetindera M. Maralkar; District Magistrate Leh and other officials. Administrative Secretary, Information Technology,  Amit Sharma, District Magistrate Kargil,  Director Health joined the meeting virtually.


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