Official language – Editorial

The language dilemma once again sparked a heated discourse among different factions in Ladakh. A proposal was put forward suggesting that English, Hindi, Urdu, and Bhoti be made the official languages of Ladakh. Meanwhile, various linguistic groups in the region engaged in intense debates, presenting different suggestions for the official language.

A faction in Leh has proposed making “Bhoti” the official language of Ladakh, arguing that it is spoken by the majority of the region’s popula...

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Air connectivity needs to be resumed for Kargil

The UT government is expected to show seriousness in providing the much needed air connectivity and mitigate the sufferings of the people of Kargil district, who have been badly hit on this score as winter sets.

This year due to early snowfall there is great apprehension  of early closure of Zojila and  Srinagar-Leh highway. The road was expected to remain open till at least  ending of December as usual but early snowfall in Zoji-La and its surrounding areas has badly hit the crucial the ...

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Expensive marriage leads to grave social evils

District Kargil is known for its simplicity and egalitarian society where a one-time observer would not easily differentiate between rich and poor. The lifestyle in the public sphere was/is such that no one could differentiate between the poor and the rich.

Unfortunately, it seems that a remarkable section of the people is now overridden by their desires in terms of constructing huge lodges, procuring luxury cars, and nowadays conducting expensive marriages. Imam Ali (a.s.) has said, “Tho...

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Climate change: A Clarion Call for Ladakh

Countries across the globe are concerned about the rapidly changing global warming and climate change. But the people in Ladakh, who are residing in the Trans Himalayan cold desert, are paying the price for a sin that is not done by them but by others residing in a pleasant climate.

This year Ladakh faced the wrath of climate change in the shape of fewer snowfall, fewer rainfall, cloud burst, floods, hot weather, and drought, and even in the month of September the weather is not normal bu...

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MBBS Seats Distribution: A Call to Revisit

As per the Rule, 13 and 14 of the Jammu and Kashmir Reservation Rules, 2005, the erstwhile State of Jammu and Kashmir government distributed the MBBS seats among various categories where two percent each of the total seats were reserved for residents of Leh and Kargil.

On the same pattern, after the bifurcation of the State, the J&K Govt in 2020 announced reservation of four percent seats in its engineering and medical colleges for Students hailing from Ladakh as the latter had no separat...

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یوم جمہوریہ اور یوٹی لداخ کی جھانکی

ملک نے گذشتہ 26جنوری کو پھر اپنی جمہوریت کا72واں سالگرہ منایا جو پورے ملک کے ساتھ ساتھ یوٹی لداخ میں بھی روایتی جوش و خروش سے منایاگیا۔ہرسال کی طرح ملک کی راجدھانی دہلی میں قومی سطح کے سب سے بڑی تقریب ہوئی جہاں صدر جمہوریہ نے ترنگا لہرایا اورعالیشان پریڈ پر سلامی لی۔

پریڈ کے دوران ملکی دفاعی قوت اور ہمہ گیر ترقی کے علاوہ مختلف جھانکیاں حسب روایت یہاں کے گوناگوں تمدن و ثقافت اور پیش رفت کی عکاسی کرتے ہوئے راج پتھ پر نکالے گئے ۔

اس سال ریاستوں اور مرکزی انتظام والے علاقوں کے 17جھانکیاں م...

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